Tragedy Strikes Colorado

Tragedy Strikes Colorado

Written by: Samantha Guarderas

A wildfire that was originally thought to have been under control is proving to be hazardous in Colorado. Due to both high winds and damp weather, the wildfire has spread overnight by more than double according to MSNBC, making it the most awful fire season in history. The intensifying risk associated with the fire left 32,000 people no choice but to evacuate the area in order to escape the intense smoke and ash, as whole neighborhoods were seen crumbling to the ground. Firefighters are doing their best to gain control over the 12 fires that have emerged in Colorado. The largest fire has already consumed 257 homes and taken a life. While many homes have been destroyed we must not forget about the amount of homes that have been saved due to the courageous firefighters risking their lives to put an end to this dreadful natural disaster. Our best wishes go out to all those involved in the fire and the families going through this hard time. To read more about the article visit:,0,2157910.story